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Woman officer-led CBI team in Dominica to bring back Mehul Choksi if extradited

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Mehul Choksi will be brought back if expatriated to India by the CBI team led by Sharda Raut, the investigating officer in the Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case. Raut is in Dominica with six other officials, comprising another CBI officer, and is heading the operation to bring the fugitive businessman back to the country. If the Dominican court orders Mehul Choksi's deportation, he will be brought to New Delhi in a private jet by a team of Indian officials and will be put under arrest by Raut upon landing. The Indian officials have had numerous meetings with Dominican authorities to ensure that India's case is represented resolutely when it comes up for hearing on Wednesday, India Today TV reported. Also Read: Mehul Choksi arrived in Dominica on May 23, and not May 25 as claimedThe Enforcement Directorate's (ED) affidavit will be filed before the Dominican court (on Wednesday evening) along with detailed information regarding Mehul Choksi's illicit activities, explicating how he is an Indian citizen and on what foundation he should be deported to India. The ED and CBI, through Dominican prosecutors, will try to convince the court that the man in their detention is a wanted accused in India since January 2018 and in accordance with the red notice by Interpol, he should be expatriated to the country immediately, sources said. Mehul Choksi, who had taken the citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda in 2017 using its Citizenship by Investment programme, never completed the process to surrender Indian citizenship. googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.defineSlot('/1007232/Businesstoday_ROS_Desktop_300x250_MTF', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1559567251990-0').setTargeting('category',['BT_WEB_728x90_MTF_Loop0','current', 'Economy Politics', 'story', '440642']).addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs();googletag.enableServices();});googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1559567251990-0'); });As things stand, he is still an Indian national. Also Read: PNB scam accused Mehul Choksi hospitalised, tests negative for COVID-19 ED is reportedly in touch with the officials, comprising CBI officers who are in Dominica. The central financial probe agency has also shared tangible evidence against Mehul Choksi with them. The fugitive businessman, who vanished mysteriously on May 23 from Antigua, was apprehended by Dominican police for entering the country illegally. Mehul Choksi has also claimed that he was kidnapped from Antigua, probably by Indian and Antiguan officials, beaten up, and then taken forcibly to Dominica, where he was arrested by the police, as part of the conspiracy. Choksi and his nephew Nirav Modi are wanted for allegedly siphoning Rs 13,500 crore of public money from the state-run PNB using letters of undertaking. Both are facing a CBI and ED probe. Also Read: Mehul Choksi went to Dominica to spend 'good time' with girlfriend: Antigua PMstoryRelatedAjaxInclude("/like-dislike.jsp?contentId=440642&contentType=text&ScfUrl=mehul-choksi-deportation-woman-officer-led-cbi-team-in-dominica-to-bring-back-fugitive-if-extradited.html").twittershare{display: block;float: left;}.googleshare{display: block;float: left;}.wiged-left > .IN-widget {width: 80px !important;float: left;}#planntocontainer ul{padding-left:0;}Print .youtube { float: left; margin-right:13px;} .twittershare{ width:74px;} .facebookshare{ margin-right:0px;} .googleshare{ width:63px;} .youtube_t {background: url( no-repeat scroll -341px -788px;display: block;height: 37px;width: 46px;text-indent: -999999px;background-position: -341px -788px;cursor: pointer;} COMMENT Tags: Mehul Choksi | Mehul Choksi in Dominica | where is Mehul Choksi | Mehul Choksi news | fugitive businessmanPrevious StorySBI asks customers to link PAN, Aadhaar till June 30 to avail online banking, other servicesNext Story'Work no longer place, it's a space': Zoom pegs itself as must-have tool for hybrid work (function () { itgCommentApp = window.itgCommentApp || (window.itgCommentApp = {}); var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.async = true; s.src = ""; s.onload = function(){ itgCommentApp.init({ accesskey: "U3Mc07Esno92pJFibxPyC4NHlrOQhmkg", postid: "440642", contenttype: "story" }); }; document.body.appendChild(s); })(); window._ttCc = window._ttCc || [];_ttCc.push(function(){ window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({ mode: 'alternating-thumbnails-a', container: 'taboola-below-article-thumbnails', placement: 'Below Article Thumbnails', target_type: 'mix' }); }); function _ttRunCode(t){for(;t.length;){(0,t.splice(0,1)[0])()}}window._ttStRunCode=0,window._ttCodeLoad=window._ttCodeLoad||[],window._ttCc=window._ttCc||[],_ttRunCode(_ttCodeLoad),jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(window).scroll(function(){_ttStRunCode||(_ttStRunCode=1,_ttRunCode(_ttCc))})}); { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "" }, "headline": "Woman officer-led CBI team in Dominica to bring back Mehul Choksi if extradited", "image":"", "datePublished": "2021-06-02T15:34:00+05:30", "dateModified": "2021-06-02T15:47:00+05:30", "articleBody": "Mehul Choksi will be brought back if expatriated to India by the CBI team led by Sharda Raut, the investigating officer in the Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case. Raut is in Dominica with six other officials, comprising another CBI officer, and is heading the operation to bring the fugitive businessman back to the country. If the Dominican court orders Mehul Choksi's deportation, he will be brought to New Delhi in a private jet by a team of Indian officials and will be put under arrest by Raut upon landing. The Indian officials have had numerous meetings with Dominican authorities to ensure that India's case is represented resolutely when it comes up for hearing on Wednesday, India Today TV reported. Also Read: Mehul Choksi arrived in Dominica on May 23, and not May 25 as claimed The Enforcement Directorate's (ED) affidavit will be filed before the Dominican court (on Wednesday evening) along with detailed information regarding Mehul Choksi's illicit activities, explicating how he is an Indian citizen and on what foundation he should be deported to India. The ED and CBI, through Dominican prosecutors, will try to convince the court that the man in their detention is a wanted accused in India since January 2018 and in accordance with the red notice by Interpol, he should be expatriated to the country immediately, sources said. Mehul Choksi, who had taken the citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda in 2017 using its Citizenship by Investment programme, never completed the process to surrender Indian citizenship. As things stand, he is still an Indian national. Also Read: PNB scam accused Mehul Choksi hospitalised, tests negative for COVID-19  ED is reportedly in touch with the officials, comprising CBI officers who are in Dominica. The central financial probe agency has also shared tangible evidence against Mehul Choksi with them. The fugitive businessman, who vanished mysteriously on May 23 from Antigua, was apprehended by Dominican police for entering the country illegally. Mehul Choksi has also claimed that he was kidnapped from Antigua, probably by Indian and Antiguan officials, beaten up, and then taken forcibly to Dominica, where he was arrested by the police, as part of the conspiracy. Choksi and his nephew Nirav Modi are wanted for allegedly siphoning Rs 13,500 crore of public money from the state-run PNB using letters of undertaking. Both are facing a CBI and ED probe. Also Read: Mehul Choksi went to Dominica to spend 'good time' with girlfriend: Antigua PM ", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "BusinessToday.In" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Business Today", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "width":600, "height":60 } }, "associatedMedia":{ "@type":"imageObject", "url":"", "caption":"Mehul Choksi will be brought back to India by a team led by CBI officer Sharda Raut (right)", "width":"1200", "height":"900" }, "description": "CBI investigating officer Sharda Raut is in Dominica with six other officials, comprising another CBI officer, and is heading the operation to bring Mehul Choksi back to India" } .homeright .ad{ position:relative; z-index:999;}div[id^="mainContainer12091"] {height:auto !important} .socialshare-rightsec{width:auto;} .socialshare-rightsec ul{list-style:none;} .socialshare-rightsec ul li{width:auto; display:inline} .socialshare-rightsec ul li a{background:url( no-repeat 0 0; width:38px; display:inline-block; 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IoT News – Semtech Advances Commitment to Corporate Citizenship – IoT Business News

Appoints first-ever Environmental, Social and Governance officer (ESG) to lead its Sustainability efforts. Semtech Corporation announced it has advanced its efforts on key Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives promoting corporate citizenship and sustainability, including focusing on diverse, equity and inclusive recruitment practices as well as development of its 1,300+ employees. To lead these efforts Semtech has appointed Charles B. Ammann as its new ESG officer, who will work closely with the committee of the board of directors having oversight on ESG matters. Under Mr. Ammann’s leadership, Semtech will continue to develop and act on strategic goals and key sustainability initiatives. Charles Ammann, Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Chief Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Officer at Semtech, said: “We believe it is important to focus on ESG initiatives that are consistent with our long-standing Company core values. These values are the cornerstone of our goal-setting efforts that we expect will drive lasting sustainability achievements for the benefit of our stakeholders.” “Although there is more work to be done on our journey to improve on the Company’s sustainability activities for the long term, we have a solid foundation of ESG initiatives underway and our technology, epitomized by our flagship LoRa® IoT solutions, is literally changing the world by enabling greater resource conservation and efficiency.” Key initiatives for 2021 include: Leadership: Appointment of Semtech’s first ESG officer, who will work closely with the senior leadership team and the Company’s Nominating and Governance Committee of the Board having oversight on the Company’s responsibility and sustainability principles, programs and practices, marks a key milestone in Semtech’s advancement of its ESG initiatives that are designed to drive more sustainable long-term results. Innovation for a Better World: Expanding on Semtech’s strong track record of investing in Research and Development initiatives to create disruptive technology aimed at a smarter, more connected and sustainable planet. The Company’s integration of its LoRa® technology into customer platforms that can be used to promote sustainable farming, combat COVID-19, manage our natural resources, such as water and gas, facilitate the management of climate change, including monitoring rising sea levels and managing global pollution, illustrates the Company’s continuing efforts that promote sustainable solutions. In addition, Semtech’s quest to manage radio power using proximity sensing in mobile devices to enable a healthier environment and to minimize the size, power and failure of electronics using advanced protection devices are examples of a long term commitment to creating a smarter and more sustainable planet. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: With respect to its interest in improving diversity, 30 percent of the Company’s board of directors is comprised of women and over 40 percent of the executive leadership is comprised of individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. To continue to expand the diversity in its leadership positions, the Semtech Women’s Leadership Council was formed to elevate and empower women, advise the Company in its efforts to identify, attract and retain top female talent for key engineering, technical and leadership positions, provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and dialogue for the advancement of the interests of women, and enhance a work environment that benefits from the diversity of opinion, backgrounds and cultures. Employee Engagement: The Company has launched an inaugural employee engagement survey to annually solicit feedback from its employees to measure employee sentiment on various matters, including employee satisfaction, recognition and the opportunity for learning and development. Professional Development: In addition to the extensive online learning options currently available, the Company is planning to further expand its investment in technical and leadership development programs that will be available to its employees worldwide.

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Semtech Advances Commitment to Corporate Citizenship

CAMARILLO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC), a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced it has advanced its efforts on key Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives promoting corporate citizenship and sustainability, including focusing on diverse, equity and inclusive recruitment practices as well as development of its 1,300+ employees. To lead these efforts Semtech has appointed Charles B. Ammann as its new ESG officer, who will work closely with the committee of the board of directors having oversight on ESG matters. Under Mr. Ammann’s leadership, Semtech will continue to develop and act on strategic goals and key sustainability initiatives. “We believe it is important to focus on ESG initiatives that are consistent with our long-standing Company core values. These values are the cornerstone of our goal-setting efforts that we expect will drive lasting sustainability achievements for the benefit of our stakeholders,” said Charles Ammann, Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Chief Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Officer at Semtech. “Although there is more work to be done on our journey to improve on the Company’s sustainability activities for the long term, we have a solid foundation of ESG initiatives underway and our technology, epitomized by our flagship LoRa® IoT solutions, is literally changing the world by enabling greater resource conservation and efficiency.” Key initiatives for 2021 include: Leadership: Appointment of Semtech’s first ESG officer, who will work closely with the senior leadership team and the Company’s Nominating and Governance Committee of the Board having oversight on the Company's responsibility and sustainability principles, programs and practices, marks a key milestone in Semtech’s advancement of its ESG initiatives that are designed to drive more sustainable long-term results. Innovation for a Better World: Expanding on Semtech’s strong track record of investing in Research and Development initiatives to create disruptive technology aimed at a smarter, more connected and sustainable planet. The Company’s integration of its LoRa® technology into customer platforms that can be used to promote sustainable farming, combat COVID-19, manage our natural resources, such as water and gas, facilitate the management of climate change, including monitoring rising sea levels and managing global pollution, illustrates the Company’s continuing efforts that promote sustainable solutions. In addition, Semtech’s quest to manage radio power using proximity sensing in mobile devices to enable a healthier environment and to minimize the size, power and failure of electronics using advanced protection devices are examples of a long term commitment to creating a smarter and more sustainable planet. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: With respect to its interest in improving diversity, 30 percent of the Company’s board of directors is comprised of women and over 40 percent of the executive leadership is comprised of individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. To continue to expand the diversity in its leadership positions, the Semtech Women’s Leadership Council was formed to elevate and empower women, advise the Company in its efforts to identify, attract and retain top female talent for key engineering, technical and leadership positions, provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and dialogue for the advancement of the interests of women, and enhance a work environment that benefits from the diversity of opinion, backgrounds and cultures. Employee Engagement: The Company has launched an inaugural employee engagement survey to annually solicit feedback from its employees to measure employee sentiment on various matters, including employee satisfaction, recognition and the opportunity for learning and development. Professional Development: In addition to the extensive online learning options currently available, the Company is planning to further expand its investment in technical and leadership development programs that will be available to its employees worldwide. To learn more about Semtech’s ESG initiatives, please visit the website. About Semtech Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms for infrastructure, high-end consumer and industrial equipment. Products are designed to benefit the engineering community as well as the global community. The Company is dedicated to reducing the impact it, and its products, have on the environment. Internal green programs seek to reduce waste through material and manufacturing control, use of green technology and designing for resource reduction. Publicly traded since 1967, Semtech is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol SMTC. For more information, visit Forward-Looking and Cautionary Statements All statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact, including statements that use the words “will,” “planning to,” “designed to” or other similar words or expressions, that describe Semtech Corporation’s or its management’s future plans, objectives or goals are “forward-looking statements” and are made pursuant to the Safe-Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results of Semtech Corporation to be materially different from the historical results and/or from any future results or outcomes expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors are further addressed in Semtech Corporation’s annual and quarterly reports, and in other documents or reports, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( including, without limitation, information under the captions “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Risk Factors.” Semtech Corporation assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release, except as required by law. Semtech, the Semtech logo and LoRa are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. SMTC-P

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Antigua PM says he had no role in Mehul Choksi's 'abduction'

Mehul Choksi disappeared from Antigua and Barbuda last Sunday and was detained by Dominican police on Tuesday night on charges of illegally entering the island.( Priyanka Parashar/Mint) Antigua PM says he had no role in Mehul Choksi's 'abduction' Opposition parties in Dominica and Antigua have accused their respective governments of having prior knowledge of Mehul Choksi's alleged abduction. Written by Prashasti Singh | Edited by Meenakshi Ray, Hindustan Times, New Delhi UPDATED ON JUN 01, 2021 10:43 AM IST After reports accusing Antigua prime minister Gaston Browne of playing a role in fugitive businessman Mehul Choksi’s disappearance from the country surfaced, he said on Monday that he had no clue about the alleged abduction.“Let me state here that even though Choksi’s citizenship was unsettled, we respected his legal and constitutional rights as a citizen, and we did nothing to abridge those rights whilst he was on Antiguan and Barbudan soil,” Browne said, according to a report on news website Antigua Newsroom.If Antigua was “desperate” to get rid of Choksi, Browne said, “The better option would have been to have the Indians come here, bring a plane and pack him on the plane and send him back to India.”The Indian businessman mysteriously disappeared from Antigua and Barbuda last Sunday and was detained by Dominican police on Tuesday night on charges of illegally entering the island. Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit also came under fire for allegedly collaborating and being “part of a plot against the rule of law” to send the fugitive diamantaire to India. Dominica’s House of Assembly's leader of the Opposition Lennox Linton said a “full investigation” should be made into the circumstances under which Choksi was brought to Dominica. The “obvious collaboration between Dominica, Antigua and India” and the officials who instructed or influenced the police to facilitate the inhumane transfer of Mehul Choksi to Dominica should also be investigated, he added.Choksi and his lawyers claimed that he was kidnapped and taken to Dominica against his will last week. On Monday, his lawyer Vijay Aggarwal also suggested that the businessman may have been honey-trapped by a woman he had known for six months. He had gone to her house when he was abducted and taken on a yacht to Dominica.Choksi faces multiple charges of embezzling funds from the Punjab National Bank (PNB) in India which is worth some ₹13,500 crore. He had acquired citizenship of Antigua under its Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) in November 2017, weeks before investigations by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the PNB scam started. Topics mehul choksi diamond merchant mehul choksi TRENDING NEWS Cop feeds poori and sabji to elderly woman, picture goes viral Chocolate-coated grasshoppers to mealworm salad, eatery serves insects as meals Man’s sweet gesture for kids playing volleyball without net wins hearts. Watch 6-year-old’s adorable video to PM Modi on homework catches J&K L-G's attention TRENDING TOPICS India Covid Cases Covid-19 Live Updates Horoscope Today World No Tobacco Day 2021 Mehul Choksi

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