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如果被引渡,多米尼克女官員領導的 CBI 團隊將帶回 Mehul Choksi

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Mehul Choksi will be brought back if expatriated to India by the CBI team led by Sharda Raut, the investigating officer in the Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case. Raut is in Dominica with six other officials, comprising another CBI officer, and is heading the operation to bring the fugitive businessman back to the country. If the Dominican court orders Mehul Choksi's deportation, he will be brought to New Delhi in a private jet by a team of Indian officials and will be put under arrest by Raut upon landing. The Indian officials have had numerous meetings with Dominican authorities to ensure that India's case is represented resolutely when it comes up for hearing on Wednesday, India Today TV reported. Also Read: Mehul Choksi arrived in Dominica on May 23, and not May 25 as claimedThe Enforcement Directorate's (ED) affidavit will be filed before the Dominican court (on Wednesday evening) along with detailed information regarding Mehul Choksi's illicit activities, explicating how he is an Indian citizen and on what foundation he should be deported to India. The ED and CBI, through Dominican prosecutors, will try to convince the court that the man in their detention is a wanted accused in India since January 2018 and in accordance with the red notice by Interpol, he should be expatriated to the country immediately, sources said. Mehul Choksi, who had taken the citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda in 2017 using its Citizenship by Investment programme, never completed the process to surrender Indian citizenship. googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.defineSlot('/1007232/Businesstoday_ROS_Desktop_300x250_MTF', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1559567251990-0').setTargeting('category',['BT_WEB_728x90_MTF_Loop0','current', 'Economy Politics', 'story', '440642']).addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs();googletag.enableServices();});googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1559567251990-0'); });As things stand, he is still an Indian national. Also Read: PNB scam accused Mehul Choksi hospitalised, tests negative for COVID-19 ED is reportedly in touch with the officials, comprising CBI officers who are in Dominica. The central financial probe agency has also shared tangible evidence against Mehul Choksi with them. The fugitive businessman, who vanished mysteriously on May 23 from Antigua, was apprehended by Dominican police for entering the country illegally. Mehul Choksi has also claimed that he was kidnapped from Antigua, probably by Indian and Antiguan officials, beaten up, and then taken forcibly to Dominica, where he was arrested by the police, as part of the conspiracy. Choksi and his nephew Nirav Modi are wanted for allegedly siphoning Rs 13,500 crore of public money from the state-run PNB using letters of undertaking. Both are facing a CBI and ED probe. Also Read: Mehul Choksi went to Dominica to spend 'good time' with girlfriend: Antigua PMstoryRelatedAjaxInclude("/like-dislike.jsp?contentId=440642&contentType=text&ScfUrl=mehul-choksi-deportation-woman-officer-led-cbi-team-in-dominica-to-bring-back-fugitive-if-extradited.html").twittershare{display: block;float: left;}.googleshare{display: block;float: left;}.wiged-left > .IN-widget {width: 80px !important;float: left;}#planntocontainer ul{padding-left:0;}Print .youtube { float: left; margin-right:13px;} .twittershare{ width:74px;} .facebookshare{ margin-right:0px;} .googleshare{ width:63px;} .youtube_t {background: url( no-repeat scroll -341px -788px;display: block;height: 37px;width: 46px;text-indent: -999999px;background-position: -341px -788px;cursor: pointer;} COMMENT Tags: Mehul Choksi | Mehul Choksi in Dominica | where is Mehul Choksi | Mehul Choksi news | fugitive businessmanPrevious StorySBI asks customers to link PAN, Aadhaar till June 30 to avail online banking, other servicesNext Story'Work no longer place, it's a space': Zoom pegs itself as must-have tool for hybrid work (function () { itgCommentApp = window.itgCommentApp || (window.itgCommentApp = {}); var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.async = true; s.src = ""; s.onload = function(){ itgCommentApp.init({ accesskey: "U3Mc07Esno92pJFibxPyC4NHlrOQhmkg", postid: "440642", contenttype: "story" }); }; document.body.appendChild(s); })(); window._ttCc = window._ttCc || [];_ttCc.push(function(){ window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({ mode: 'alternating-thumbnails-a', container: 'taboola-below-article-thumbnails', placement: 'Below Article Thumbnails', target_type: 'mix' }); }); function _ttRunCode(t){for(;t.length;){(0,t.splice(0,1)[0])()}}window._ttStRunCode=0,window._ttCodeLoad=window._ttCodeLoad||[],window._ttCc=window._ttCc||[],_ttRunCode(_ttCodeLoad),jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(window).scroll(function(){_ttStRunCode||(_ttStRunCode=1,_ttRunCode(_ttCc))})}); { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "" }, "headline": "Woman officer-led CBI team in Dominica to bring back Mehul Choksi if extradited", "image":"", "datePublished": "2021-06-02T15:34:00+05:30", "dateModified": "2021-06-02T15:47:00+05:30", "articleBody": "Mehul Choksi will be brought back if expatriated to India by the CBI team led by Sharda Raut, the investigating officer in the Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case. Raut is in Dominica with six other officials, comprising another CBI officer, and is heading the operation to bring the fugitive businessman back to the country. If the Dominican court orders Mehul Choksi's deportation, he will be brought to New Delhi in a private jet by a team of Indian officials and will be put under arrest by Raut upon landing. The Indian officials have had numerous meetings with Dominican authorities to ensure that India's case is represented resolutely when it comes up for hearing on Wednesday, India Today TV reported. Also Read: Mehul Choksi arrived in Dominica on May 23, and not May 25 as claimed The Enforcement Directorate's (ED) affidavit will be filed before the Dominican court (on Wednesday evening) along with detailed information regarding Mehul Choksi's illicit activities, explicating how he is an Indian citizen and on what foundation he should be deported to India. The ED and CBI, through Dominican prosecutors, will try to convince the court that the man in their detention is a wanted accused in India since January 2018 and in accordance with the red notice by Interpol, he should be expatriated to the country immediately, sources said. Mehul Choksi, who had taken the citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda in 2017 using its Citizenship by Investment programme, never completed the process to surrender Indian citizenship. As things stand, he is still an Indian national. Also Read: PNB scam accused Mehul Choksi hospitalised, tests negative for COVID-19  ED is reportedly in touch with the officials, comprising CBI officers who are in Dominica. The central financial probe agency has also shared tangible evidence against Mehul Choksi with them. The fugitive businessman, who vanished mysteriously on May 23 from Antigua, was apprehended by Dominican police for entering the country illegally. Mehul Choksi has also claimed that he was kidnapped from Antigua, probably by Indian and Antiguan officials, beaten up, and then taken forcibly to Dominica, where he was arrested by the police, as part of the conspiracy. Choksi and his nephew Nirav Modi are wanted for allegedly siphoning Rs 13,500 crore of public money from the state-run PNB using letters of undertaking. Both are facing a CBI and ED probe. Also Read: Mehul Choksi went to Dominica to spend 'good time' with girlfriend: Antigua PM ", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "BusinessToday.In" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Business Today", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "width":600, "height":60 } }, "associatedMedia":{ "@type":"imageObject", "url":"", "caption":"Mehul Choksi will be brought back to India by a team led by CBI officer Sharda Raut (right)", "width":"1200", "height":"900" }, "description": "CBI investigating officer Sharda Raut is in Dominica with six other officials, comprising another CBI officer, and is heading the operation to bring Mehul Choksi back to India" } .homeright .ad{ position:relative; z-index:999;}div[id^="mainContainer12091"] {height:auto !important} .socialshare-rightsec{width:auto;} .socialshare-rightsec ul{list-style:none;} .socialshare-rightsec ul li{width:auto; display:inline} .socialshare-rightsec ul li a{background:url( no-repeat 0 0; width:38px; display:inline-block; 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物聯網新聞 – Semtech 推進對企業公民的承諾 – 物聯網商業新聞

任命首位環境、社會和治理官員 (ESG) 來領導其可持續發展工作。 Semtech Corporation 宣布已在促進企業公民和可持續發展的關鍵環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 計劃方面取得進展,包括專注於多元化、公平和包容性的招聘實踐以及 1,300 多名員工的發展。為了領導這些工作,Semtech 已任命 Charles B. Ammann 為其新的 ESG 官員,他將與負責監督 ESG 事務的董事會委員會密切合作。在 Ammann 先生的領導下,Semtech 將繼續制定戰略目標和關鍵的可持續發展計劃並採取行動。 Semtech 執行副總裁、首席法務官兼首席環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 官 Charles Ammann 表示:“我們認為,專注於符合我們公司長期核心價值觀的 ESG 舉措非常重要。這些價值觀是我們制定目標努力的基石,我們預計這些努力將推動可持續的可持續成就,造福於我們的利益相關者。” “雖然在我們改善公司長期可持續發展活動的過程中還有更多工作要做,但我們已經為 ESG 計劃奠定了堅實的基礎,我們的技術,以我們的旗艦 LoRa® IoT 解決方案為代表,正在真正改變通過實現更大的資源保護和效率,世界。” 2021 年的主要舉措包括: 領導:任命 Semtech 的第一位 ESG 官員,他將與高級領導團隊以及公司董事會提名和治理委員會密切合作,監督公司的責任和可持續發展原則、計劃和實踐,標誌著Semtech 推進其旨在推動更可持續的長期結果的 ESG 計劃的關鍵里程碑。為更美好的世界而創新:擴展 Semtech 在投資研發計劃方面的良好記錄,以創造旨在打造更智能、更互聯和可持續的地球的顛覆性技術。公司將其 LoRa® 技術集成到客戶平台中,這些平台可用於促進可持續農業、抗擊 COVID-19、管理我們的自然資源(如水和天然氣)、促進氣候變化管理,包括監測海平面上升和管理全球污染,說明了公司在促進可持續解決方案方面的持續努力。此外,Semtech 尋求使用移動設備中的接近感應來管理無線電功率,以實現更健康的環境,並使用先進的保護設備最大限度地減少電子設備的尺寸、功率和故障,這些都是長期致力於創造一個更智能、更可持續的地球的例子。 .多樣性、公平性和包容性:關於提高多樣性的興趣,公司董事會 30% 由女性組成,超過 40% 的行政領導層由來自不同種族背景的個人組成。為了繼續擴大其領導職位的多樣性,成立了 Semtech 女性領導委員會來提升和賦予女性權力,為公司努力識別、吸引和留住關鍵工程、技術和領導職位的頂尖女性人才提供建議,提供一個交流思想和對話的平台,以提高婦女的利益,並改善受益於意見、背景和文化多樣性的工作環境。員工敬業度:公司已啟動首屆員工敬業度調查,每年徵求員工的反饋意見,以衡量員工對各種事項的情緒,包括員工滿意度、認可度以及學習和發展機會。專業發展:除了目前可用的廣泛在線學習選項外,公司還計劃進一步擴大對技術和領導力發展計劃的投資,這些計劃將面向全球員工提供。


Semtech 推進對企業公民的承諾

加利福尼亞州卡馬里洛--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美國商業資訊)--高性能模擬和混合信號半導體及先進算法的領先供應商 Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC) 宣布已在關鍵的環境、社會和治理方面取得進展( ESG) 促進企業公民和可持續性的舉措,包括專注於多元化、公平和包容性的招聘實踐以及 1,300 多名員工的發展。為了領導這些工作,Semtech 已任命 Charles B. Ammann 為其新的 ESG 官員,他將與負責監督 ESG 事務的董事會委員會密切合作。在 Ammann 先生的領導下,Semtech 將繼續制定戰略目標和關鍵的可持續發展計劃並採取行動。 “我們認為,關注與我們長期以來的公司核心價值觀一致的 ESG 舉措非常重要。這些價值觀是我們制定目標努力的基石,我們預計這些努力將推動可持續的可持續成就,造福於我們的利益相關者,”執行副總裁、首席法律官兼首席環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 官 Charles Ammann 說森泰克。 “雖然在我們改善公司長期可持續發展活動的過程中還有更多工作要做,但我們已經為 ESG 計劃奠定了堅實的基礎,我們的技術,以我們的旗艦 LoRa® IoT 解決方案為代表,正在真正改變通過實現更大的資源保護和效率,世界。” 2021 年的主要舉措包括: 領導:任命 Semtech 的第一位 ESG 官員,他將與高級領導團隊以及公司董事會提名和治理委員會密切合作,監督公司的責任和可持續發展原則、計劃和實踐,標誌著Semtech 推進其旨在推動更可持續的長期結果的 ESG 計劃的關鍵里程碑。為更美好的世界而創新:擴展 Semtech 在投資研發計劃方面的良好記錄,以創造旨在打造更智能、更互聯和可持續的地球的顛覆性技術。公司將其 LoRa® 技術集成到客戶平台中,這些平台可用於促進可持續農業、抗擊 COVID-19、管理我們的自然資源(如水和天然氣)、促進氣候變化管理,包括監測海平面上升和管理全球污染,說明了公司在促進可持續解決方案方面的持續努力。此外,Semtech 尋求使用移動設備中的接近感應來管理無線電功率,以實現更健康的環境,並使用先進的保護設備最大限度地減少電子設備的尺寸、功率和故障,這些都是長期致力於創造一個更智能、更可持續的地球的例子。 .多樣性、公平性和包容性:關於提高多樣性的興趣,公司董事會 30% 由女性組成,超過 40% 的行政領導層由來自不同種族背景的個人組成。為了繼續擴大其領導職位的多樣性,成立了 Semtech 女性領導委員會來提升和賦予女性權力,為公司努力識別、吸引和留住關鍵工程、技術和領導職位的頂尖女性人才提供建議,提供一個交流思想和對話的平台,以提高婦女的利益,並改善受益於意見、背景和文化多樣性的工作環境。員工敬業度:公司已啟動首屆員工敬業度調查,每年徵求員工的反饋意見,以衡量員工對各種事項的情緒,包括員工滿意度、認可度以及學習和發展機會。專業發展:除了目前可用的廣泛在線學習選項外,公司還計劃進一步擴大對技術和領導力發展計劃的投資,這些計劃將面向全球員工提供。要了解有關 Semtech 的 ESG 計劃的更多信息,請訪問網站。關於 Semtech Semtech Corporation 是高性能模擬和混合信號半導體以及用於基礎設施、高端消費和工業設備的先進算法的領先供應商。產品旨在造福工程界和全球社區。公司致力於減少其及其產品對環境的影響。內部綠色計劃旨在通過材料和製造控制、綠色技術的使用和資源減少設計來減少浪費。自 1967 年開始公開交易,Semtech 在納斯達克全球精選市場上市,代碼為 SMTC。如需更多信息,請訪問。前瞻性和警示性聲明 此處包含的所有聲明都不是歷史事實的聲明,包括使用“將”、“計劃”、“旨在”或其他類似詞語或表達方式描述 Semtech Corporation 或其管理層的未來計劃、目標或目標是“前瞻性陳述”,是根據經修訂的 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》的安全港條款做出的。此類前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致 Semtech Corporation 的實際結果與歷史結果和/或此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來結果或結果存在重大差異.此類因素在 Semtech Corporation 的年度和季度報告以及提交給美國證券交易委員會 ( 的其他文件或報告中進一步說明,包括但不限於標題為“管理層對財務的討論和分析”下的信息。經營狀況和結果”和“風險因素”。除法律要求外,Semtech Corporation 不承擔更新任何前瞻性陳述以反映本新聞稿發布之日後可能發生的事件或情況的義務。 Semtech、Semtech 徽標和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附屬公司的註冊商標或服務標誌。 SMTC-P


安提瓜總理說他在 Mehul Choksi's 'abduction' 中沒有任何作用

Mehul Choksi 上週日從安提瓜和巴布達失踪,週二晚上被多米尼加警方拘留,罪名是非法進入該島。(Priyanka Parashar/Mint)安提瓜總理表示,他在 Mehul Choksi 在多米尼加的“綁架”反對黨中沒有任何作用,安提瓜指責各自政府事先了解 Mehul Choksi 被指控的綁架事件。作者:普拉沙斯蒂·辛格 |由 Meenakshi Ray 編輯,印度斯坦時報,新德里 IST 2021 年 6 月 1 日上午 10:43 更新 在指控安提瓜總理加斯頓·布朗在逃亡商人 Mehul Choksi 從該國失踪事件中扮演角色的報導浮出水面後,他週一表示,他對所謂的綁架一無所知。“讓我在此聲明,儘管 Choksi 的公民身份尚未確定,但我們尊重他作為公民的合法和憲法權利,當他在安提瓜和巴布丹領土時,我們沒有採取任何措施來剝奪這些權利,”布朗說,根據新聞網站安提瓜新聞室的一篇報導。如果安提瓜“迫切”想要擺脫喬克西,布朗說,“更好的選擇是讓印第安人來這裡,帶上飛機,把他收拾好。飛機並將他送回印度。”這位印度商人上週日從安提瓜和巴布達神秘失踪,週二晚被多米尼加警方以非法進入該島的罪名拘留。多米尼克總理羅斯福·斯凱里特 (Roosevelt Skerrit) 也因涉嫌合作和“參與違反法治的陰謀”將逃亡的鑽石商送往印度而受到抨擊。多米尼克眾議院反對黨領袖倫諾克斯林頓表示,應對喬克西被帶到多米尼克的情況進行“全面調查”。他補充說,“多米尼克、安提瓜和印度之間的明顯合作”以及指示或影響警方以促進將 Mehul Choksi 不人道地轉移到多米尼加的官員也應該受到調查。 Choksi 和他的律師聲稱他被綁架並被帶到多米尼克上週違背了他的意願。週一,他的律師維杰·阿加瓦爾 (Vijay Aggarwal) 還暗示,這名商人可能被他認識六個月的女人陷害。當他被綁架並乘坐遊艇前往多米尼加時,他去了她家。Choksi 面臨多項挪用印度旁遮普國家銀行 (PNB) 資金的指控,這些資金價值約 13,500 千萬盧比。 2017 年 11 月,在中央調查局 (CBI) 開始對 PNB 騙局進行調查的幾週前,他根據投資公民計劃 (CIP) 獲得了安提瓜公民身份。話題 mehul choksi 鑽石商人 mehul choksi 趨勢新聞 警察給老婦人餵食poori 和sabji,圖片傳播開來 巧克力塗層蚱蜢吃粉蟲沙拉,餐館提供昆蟲作為食物 男人在沒有網的情況下打排球的孩子們的甜蜜姿態贏得了人們的心。觀看 6 歲孩子給 PM Modi 的家庭作業的可愛視頻引起了 J&K LG 的注意



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